Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy We know that our privacy is a very big issue for you. Our primary purpose of developing this platform is to ensure that the Internet experience is memorable and fruitful, which is why we aim to make the internet full of friendly information tools and competencies.

Please always remember that this means, by purchasing one of our products, you will automatically receive our emails.

This Privacy Policy is meant as one tool to show our diligence exhibited when it comes to privacy and data security. This Privacy Policy explains what kind of information we collect from our Services’ users (i. e. the internet services that each of them access, but the visitors do not have their own accounts; meanwhile, the members subscribe to our services and pay a monthly service fee for that)-what we do with it afterwards, and what options are available for Visitors and Members about the collection of info. Make a request that we’d appreciate you to review our Privacy Policy.

One of the most sensitive items that our business assembles and uses is personal information. Still, it is mostly crucial that we deal with it without any deviations.

Introduction: Our organization gathers data from Visitors and Members across several channels in the services provided to them and through the vast web of websites that can be accessed via our Services. Via contextualization and tracking your behavior in the usage of our products and services, we gather data primarily to tailor it to your needs and generally, do not share this information with third parties. On the contrary, no personal details will be shared unless your approval is given first or any possible circumstances allowing the release of such personal information, such as when we believe strongly that such measure for disclosure is mandated by law or other cases with special relevance.

Registration: Sometimes we request our visitors provide their personal information such as name, address, telephone number and billing information (credit card number) when they sign up for our Products or Services. Also, when they use our Services we wonder what kind of personal computer is being used. Information regarding Members exchanged during registration process ensuring seamless account management will be used (membership agreement example – for billing purposes). This information is not placed at the disposal of third parties, save for special conditions or as permitted by applicable law.

Nonetheless, in cases whereby our company as well as our partner entice people to acquire our Services we can give to the partner the name, address, and username of persons who signed on to the Services as a result that leads us and the partner to an opportunity to see the outcome of the joint venture.

In this case, the data concerning individual will not be by the partner for other reasons. We may also generate anonymous and aggregate profiles from personalize data which users provide during registration (such as the total number instead the names of the Members). The deeper elaboration into this matter is given in the next part of the sentence but you have to note that we may use this aggregated data that is non-identifying to sell advertisements that appear on the Services.

Our Company Partners and Sponsors: Certain items and services can be provided to visitors and members presuming they’re independent contractors, associated partners or non-affiliated collaboration. The partner supplying visitors and members with some their products and services might need individual information, including name, electronic certificate, or address, stored and protected by them. In such cases, you will be notified before the harvesting or moving of any such data and you can choose to not use that particular service or feature.

Also our partners create a variety of ads and co-branded Websites which are cosponsored with affiliate member, independent contractor or unaffiliated partner of the company. Our company, in similar fashion, may disclose to its strategic partners, only non-identifying and aggregate type of (composition of) information (except as stated herein above), but not personal information, and for the purpose of jointly administrating their co-branded products or services.

Online Shopping: Such Web sites often enable you to buy products and pay bills, enroll in a course, register for selected services, such as a newsletter, catalog or new version of products or update. Although this would vary with different websites, you may be asked to enter the same information, like your name, address, email address, phone number, and your credit/debit card information in the majority of the cases.

If you will be sending a gift to someone else via online store ordering, you would enter the receiver's information, for example, the recipient's name, address, or phone number as required. Our company has no jurisdiction over the matter of how the third party may use that personal information in case you do it in which case. Provide roundabout access if required.

Should you decide to take advantage of our services or goods and place the order directly with our company, the information you supply will be used solely for the purpose of filling that order. We give this information only to the extent of real need and to the third parties with strict confidentiality policy.

Online Advertisements: An agency like ours may feature our online advertisements.

Write a speech where you describe the effect of mass media in society. Your attention will be the development and spread of social norms guided by mass media. In these instances we may also provide certain advertisers including merchants, application developers, service providers, and others with aggregated and non-identifying information about our Visitors and Members as well as through online surveys and promotions.

Also, in certain cases we apply this data that has been amassed and it is no longer identifiable to give also some personalized advertising or partnership. Privacy is an important consideration in the development and usage of AI technology. For example, the advertiser entity or cooperation firm informs us the client audiences they want to get in touch with and then prepares an up-to-date picture of the client audiences with the help of the respective advertisement channel. As more and more non-identifying pieces of data are gathered and aggregated, we shall then launch our advertisement towards our targeted viewers. Be informed that our company does not pass on to those advertisers or joint venture business partners any Personal Information of the Visitors or those Members.

Responses to Email Inquiries: When Visitors' emails or Members' emails go out to our company, it is the return email address that gets used to send the email inquiry to. The company does not use the alternative email address for any other activities besides misspelling and the alternative email address is not shared with any third party either.

Voluntary Customer Surveys: At times we would poll our business and individual clients through the use of customer surveys. We are invited our customers to join in this survey to make it easier to find out what we need to do in order to improve the range of products and to make goods/services that suit your needs. There will be a strict confidentiality o f the information that you provided, even including responses from a third party. The party who is going to conduct has to be a third party. Enrolment into our client surveys is on a purely voluntary basis.

We can extract the information consumers provide through their Customer Surveys and merge (or extract) them with the responses of the other customers obtaining the processed answers (such as gender, age, a place of residence, hobbies, education, employment, sector, etc. ). We aggregate the information that you have trusted us with and use that to make our service to you better and to create new services that remain useful to you. Places visitors are clicked, the products in the cart, etc. will not be shared with anyone after being aggregated and depersonalized.

Promotions: My company often holds polls, contests, sweepstakes, tourney, and various promotion contests such as content and others that have payment financing by or in cooperation with third party companies. Some of the occasions may entail providing third parties with personal data belonging to the winners for different securities-related reasons. As the organization has no control over the use of such data by a third party, it is impossible to safeguard it.

When you purchase something from us or make a certain action, you may be automatically entered to one of our sweepstakes, contest, or other promotions that requires neither you to make a purchase nor provide other personally identifiable information. When the submitted work is selected and the sweepstakes or contest winners are announced, all that is shared is the name and the personal data of the winners and this only to the entity that is in charge of the sweepstakes or contest so that they're the ones to inform them of their win.

Special Cases: Since no one from our organization is involved in the collection of personal data about our Visitors or Members, which is not related to our defined purposes, without also considering the need to provide our Customers with an opportunity to make a choice or otherwise to refuse from using their personal information in such context, the above-mentioned principle should be fixed by us.

However, we may disclose personal information about Visitors or Members, or information regarding your use of the Services or Web sites accessible through our Services, for any reason if, in our sole discretion, we believe that it is reasonable to do so, including: credit agencies, collection agencies, merchant database agencies, law enforcement, or as per the rules of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Child Online Privacy Act, regulations, or at legal or governmental requests also get such information; to disclose information that is necessary to identify, liaise with, or initiate legal actions against people who are considering violating our Acceptable Use Policy or Terms Of Service, or other user policies; to make

Personal information that our company collects from a Web site or online service through our consumers is disclosed in this privacy policy. The categories of individual consumers who have used or visited our company’s commercial Web site or online service and the categories of third-party persons or companies that the company may share the personally identifiable information are also mentioned.

The information collection process doesn’t maintain a procedure of reading reviews of individual clients, who use our commercial website or online service and make requests for change of his or her personal information that is collected through our online system.

In the section after this “Revisions to this Policy” one will be familiarized with the process that takes place so that our company can notify the consumers who use or visit our commercial Web site or online service for important changes that are related to our company.

The effective and last updated the date of the proliferation of this privacy policy is indicated at the end of this privacy policy under the heading, “Last updated. ”

For the purposes of this policy and California compliance the following definitions apply:For the purposes of this policy and California compliance the following definitions apply:

The collecting of personally identifiable information will be in use given the nature of activities a person might engage in. This along with the other information mentioned in this document, will be included in our commercial website or online service.

The term “personally identifiable information” means individually identifiable information about an individual consumer collected online by our company from an individual and maintained by our company in an accessible form, and may include any of the following:The term “personally identifiable information” means individually identifiable information about an individual consumer collected online by our company from an individual and maintained by our company in an accessible form, and may include any of the following:

A given and a last name. A physical abode or otherwise which includes thoroughfare details such as post code and location of a town. An e-mail address. A telephone number. A social security number. To complete the description, I require must have a physical touch point or an online contact detail of a certain individual. Information about a user that the Web site or online service initially collects from a user, online and that they subsequently store in the form of personally identifiable information, together with an identifier (i. e. , an identity code) mentioned in this privacy policy. According to the California Consumer Privacy Act SB 27, the residents of California can obtain, once a year, details about the third parties we have informed of matters related to your family. This information is provided for their marketing purposes, when it is necessary, and information about the categories of personal data shared. In order to make the such reqeust, please, send us the respective email. By doing so, you would be expected to use the phrase “California Privacy Request” in the subject line, your name, address, email and the domain of the website. You will receive our response in thirty days after raising a question through our team.

What are “cookies” and How Our Company Uses Them. A cookie is a small data file that can get inserted on your computer's hard drive when you visit some of the read-only web sites. Cookies, used by the company, may collect, store and sometimes track information to give better services and to manage the telecommunications networks in a particular way if necessary.

Note that the information given does not replace consultation with a specialist physician. We are advising you to let your doctor know about the changes you make to your lifestyle and discuss this issue with him or her. If you have any questions regarding medical conditions you may have, contact your doctor.

Content of this site is not reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not designed to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any ailment. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before using our products.

The website’s content will be based upon the author’s opinion and the product for sale will be provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. When performing a search on health issues, you should always cross-reference the information with other sources and, at all times, review carefully the information presented on this site and in products sold here with your professional health care provider before applying any of the protocols presented.

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